19/Oct/2010 Title

FORGOTTEN TOMB - Under Saturn Retrograde Studio-Report - CHAPTER III

Hi folks!
Here we are with the third and last chapter of our Under Saturn Retrograde studio-report!
During a few sessions in the past 3 weeks we have recorded bass, vocals and we mixed the whole thing. - comments Herr Morbid. Everything went really smooth with the bass' recording sessions. Algol is now endorser of Warwick, so he used his new Warwick Streamer LX equipped with Mec pick-ups. He played it through a vintage Ashdown tube head + one 1x15 cabinet and one 4x10 cabinet, both by Ashdown. The sessions took 1 day and the sound is extremely thick and heavy, we are extremely satisfied about the result, also because the bass is definitely important on this album.
Vocals were recorded in a couple of afternoons, one for the clean vocals and the other one for the screamed vocals. We are very fond of the result, since the clean vocals sound way better than on Negative Megalomania, being also more varied, and the screams are very harsh but also slightly different from our usual standards. Both vocal styles melt very well in the songs.
On another afternoon I recorded some additional fretless bass parts on a couple of songs, adding a jazzy feel on the acoustic parts.
In the remaining 4 days we mixed the album. It has been quite exhausting but the final result makes us extremely proud of this new album! It is for sure our best and most professional effort ever. It has all the grim and eerie feeling of FT but some new elements as well; we think it's more solid than its predecessor and all the 9 songs are our best material so far. We think fans won't be disappointed!

More details on the album will be unveiled in the next months, so stay tuned!!
Thanx for reading, see ya-