
Next July, experimental metallers EPHEL DUATH will return to Mana Recording Studios in St. Petersburg, Florida. Together with producer Erik Rutan (Cannibal Corpse, Goathwhore, Hate Eternal) the band will complete the recording sessions for their new album started last February, and do the final mix. Alan Douches will master the songs at his West West Side Studios, NY.

EPHEL DUATH's new album will once again feature the incredible Marco Minnemann (The Aristocrats, Kreator, Necorphagist) on drums, joined this time by his band mate Bryan Beller (The Aristocrats, Dethklok, Joe Satriani)  on bass.

The recording line-up is as follow:

Davide Tiso - guitars
Karyn Crisis - vocals
Marco Minnemnn - drums
Bryan Beller - bass

Featuring 8 new songs and reaching over 55 minutes of total length, EPHEL DUATH's new album is a multilayered hybrid of death metal, jazz and post rock, blended together with a strong will to experiment and with no boundaries in sight.

"I wanted this album to be a strong statement" - comments Davide Tiso. "And I believe we achieved that. Every time I put together a release for Ephel Duath, I deal with it as if it was our last. Would I be OK to let this album be the band's last shout? Yes, I definitely would. I compose music to primarily please myself; doing it puts my mind in a very specific place, a spot where I feel fitting-in much, much better than in everyday life. Playing my guitar for Ephel Duath I get the peace and the release I need to keep myself going. I'm an avid metal listener but when I play for Ephel Duath I don't feel the need to bring my music to fit any parameters, at the same time I don't put any efforts whatsoever to sound different: I just let go and navigate."

"Songs are coming out effortlessly and quicker the older I get, and I believe that with this new album I reached the highest level of intensity of my entire musical career" - continues Davide. "Lyrically the new songs dig deep in higher self subject matters, combining brutally visual imagery with a painfully honest soul searching quest."

Some of the new songs titles are: "Tracing the path of blood", "Feathers under my skin", "When mind escapes flesh".

The new album will come out in the fall of 2013 on Agonia Records, it will be available in digital, CD and vinyl version.

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