05/Apr/2008 Title

URGEHAL were forced to cancel SWR Festival in Portugal due to the fact Uruz left the band. Here is a comment from band's members: Due to the fact our drummer decided to leave the band recently, we are now forced to cancel our show. It’s impossible for us to find a replacement drummer on such short notice, but we can assure you, Urgehal is NOT dead! We were really looking forward to spill some Holy blood, our first time in Portugal. Hopefully next year, comrades.

Await Utter Norwegian Darkness!

Nefas, Enzifer and Mannevond.

We will proudly release a debut album of T.Nefas' solo project. The band's name is ANGST SKVADRON and the first album is entitled Flukt. It's a real must have for all fans of Ved Buenes Ende, In The Woods.., Kvist and early Burzum. More details will follow soon!