
Norwegian Black Metallers RAGNAROK have released a new video for the title track from their last album Collectors of the King.  The video is produced by William Brovold, directed by Stefan E Pedersen and the cinematography is by Lasse Roed. Drummer and RAGNAROK founder Jontho had this to say about the video: It’s the first official video we’ve done for the band, and for a band that’s been around as long as we have, you could say it’s been a long time in coming.  It’s a very dark piece in every sense of the word and perfectly conveys the atmosphere and subject matter of the track itself.  We’re very pleased with the result, and now we’ve got a taste for it, it certainly won’t be the last video we make and you can rest assured that the new album will provide plenty of material for the next one.  The Collectors of the King video can be seen at:

Formed in 1994 by drummer Jontho and then-bassist Jerv, RAGNAROK’s current line-up includes Jontho on drums, Hans Fyrste on vocals, DezeptiCunt on bass and Bolverk on guitars.  The band recently inked a deal with Agonia Records and entered the Endarker Studios in Sweden on the 24th June to record what will be their seventh full-length album.  At the production helm is studio owner and Marduk bassist Devo. So far all the drum and guitar tracks have been recorded for the as yet untitled album which is due for release later this year.

The band’s next live appearance will be in August at this year’s Party.San Open Air Festival in Schlotheim, Germany.