19/Dec/2007 Title

Urgehal The Eternal Eclipse... gatefold LP is out now. Since a few days you can also finally purchase Krypt I am God MLP and for over a month the extremelly limited edition picture disc of Adorior's Author of Incest album is available.

Krypt Preludes to Death studio report written by Nag: First of all, this album was supposed to be recorded around August, but lots of shit happened which made it impossible. So, finally in October we started. The drums were recorded in 4 days, and we got good sound. Everything went without any bigger problems, even though Desecrator was about to tear down his drum kit out of frustration a couple of times.
Right after we started on the guitars. We have had a few problems with different tings, both with the recording itself and illness, so things have taken much longer than anticipated. Anyway, we have now recorded all the guitar tracks, but one, on all the songs. We have bass on a few tracks, and the last guitar will be recorded shortly. Then it's time for the vocals and mix.
Pål E. (ex-Tsjuder) will play solos on the album.
Hopefully everything will be recorded within January, and mixed straight after.
The album will be entitled Preludes to Death.