09/Apr/2008 Title

Here comes introduction to ANGST SKVADRON from T. Nefas himself: The "solo" album of T.Nefas (Urgehal/Beastcraft) brings you a eerie mix of 70`s prog rock/metal blended with early 90`s black metal. These 8 tracks is the true sound of disharmony, misantrophy, melancoly and insanity. ANGST SKVADRON plays depressive, psychedelic, alien death metal. Or "what ever the hell you like to call it music"!!! This album will fuck you up one way or another...

Relevant information regarding A.S. and the album: all music and lyrics written in drunken hours between 2005-2008 by Trondr Nefas (guitars, bass, piano, vocals). Other participants on the album: Lars F. Frøyslie from In Lingua Mortua, Wobbler, Endezzma ect. (drums, melotrone,synth); Trine-Lise Akselsen (female vocals). The album was recorded and mixed by T.Nefas and Lars F. Frøyslie between January & March 2008.

You can listen to pre-production of the sounds of insanity: