Title: Black Mass For A Mass Grave (monochrome edition)
Catalog number: ARLP198RL
Format: 12" double PD w/ slipmat
Genre: Black Metal
Origin: U.S.A.
Release date: 2021
Pre-order. This item will be available on the 28th of May 2021.
Limited to 100 handnumbered copies (first 100 out of 1000) monochrome edition double picture disc with original cover artwork slipmat, alternative cover artwork, digital download and band's gold logo printed through the thick plastic sleeves. No re-press.
Brand new album.
1. Spirit of the Black Star
2. Luciferian Rays
3. Necromancy Through a Buried Cosmos
4. Triumphant Cosmic Death
5. My Spirit Shall Join a Constellation of Swords
6. Ceremony for the Gathering of Death
7. Majesty of the Expanding Tomb
8. A Glorious Shadow from Fire and Ashes
9. Extinction of Darkness and Light
10. Hymn to the Absolute Majesty of Darkness and Fire
11. Beast of Creation and Master of Time
12. Black Mass for a Mass Grave