25/Sep/2007 Title

Adorior guitarist Tony Slut Sodomiser has left the band after 13 years of active service to metallic alcoholism. His reasons are unimportant, but we hail him for the years of fucked up times we thrashed through together. Adorior will not be looking for a replacment guitarist and will continue as a four piece: Jaded Lungs (voc), Chris Nunravager (bass), Dani Molestor (dr), Sharpnel (giut).
Adorior will do a four date tour of Finland from the last 2 days of Novemher to the 2nd day of December. Support will come from Finnish cunts Urn. Full details will be released soon. These will be the last ever live Adorior shows, session second guitair duties will be handled by Matt from Razor Of Occam/Destroyer 666.
Adorior will continue as a studio only band. For any cunts out there who still have the guts and still have the fucking desire to witness the last Adorior live abominations this is your final warning and your last chance! We welcome you to the fucking bloodlust parinoid metal tour.
Let the onslaught fucking begin!