07/Oct/2010 Title

FORGOTTEN TOMB - Under Saturn Retrograde Studio-Report - CHAPTER II

Herr Morbid comments: In the past 2 weeks we managed to record all guitars. I started with my 2 rhythm guitar lines and everything went really smooth, I did the job in a total time of 8 or 9 hours, including the set-up of all the studio equipment. This time I used an Ibanez Iceman IC400 with EMG81 pickup at the bridge and the Zakk Wylde Les Paul with EMG 81/85 pickups. Both guitars sounded really well on the recording. For the amp, I used a Laney GH100 Tony Iommi head + a Mesa 2x15 cabinet.
A few days later Razor SK started tracking down his guitar lines. He did lead guitars quite fast and then he did 2 additional rhythm guitar lines on another day. On the third day he did all the solos and all the clean & acoustic guitars. I'm particularly pleased by the sound of acoustic guitars, I think it's a big step forward from our previous recordings, where we always used just clean electric guitars. The acoustic guitars gave a completely different mood to some songs, extremely eerie and ravishing. This time Razor SK used a ESP Eclipse with EMG 81/85 pickups for all electric guitars and an '80s Epiphone for the acoustic guitars. For the amp, he used my Laney GH100 Tony Iommi head + a Marshall 1960 4x12 cabinet.
Up to this time we are extremely satisfied about the result. The songs are coming out fucking heavy, eerie and nihilistic, with a Dark Rock vibe that gives the album a fresh yet old-fashioned feel. Pure Nihilistic Black Rock Unlimited...

In the next days bass & vocals will be done, expect another report soon!